Art Direction + Pixel Art
Level Up Your Legacy
To level-up the legacies of Iman Shumpert, Nick Cannon and Director X, we developed three side-scrolling games inspired by each celebrity’s road to success.
Starring influential events and characters from the celebrities’ lives, each game is split into three levels featuring past, present and future situations tied together by comic-book-style cutscenes. Every game is designed entirely by hand, with custom pixel-art animations and a bespoke 8-bit soundtrack for each level. The games serve as a companion to a magnificently meta set of video interviews in which fans can watch the celebrities tackle their own games, resulting in some next-level nostalgia.
MediaMonks | W+K | Oldspice | Complex
Gameplay video
Iman Shumpert
Below a selection of screens of Iman Shumperts game that contained 3 lvl’s. His past, where he was not doing well at school. His present where he balances his basketball carreer with his family life, and his future where he saves the world togheter with his daughter. Art direction, cutscenes and character art was done by me where Mattyn Klaassen and Joost van Lierop helped out with the backgrounds.

Nick Canon
Below a selection of screens of Nick Canons game that contained 3 lvl’s. His past, where he was trying to get some fans while touring the country. His present where he balances all his different jobs, and his future where he saves the world as a professor. Art direction, cutscenes and part of the character art was done by me where Mattyn Klaassen did most of the ingame characters and Joost van Lierop the backgrounds.

Director X
Below a selection of screens of Director X game that contained 3 lvl’s. His past, where he enjoyed scifi movies in the cinema and was husseling for a job. His present where he directs all kinds of videoclips, and his future where you play a scifi movie directed by Director X. Art direction, cutscenes and character art was done by me where Marissa Engels helped out with the characters of lvl 1 and 2and Joost van Lierop helped out with the backgrounds of lvl 1 and 2.