Art Direction + Concept Art

Google Tango: Out-of-Box Experience

Together with Google, we created a mixed reality experience to introduce users to the features and capabilities of Tango, Google’s new technology platform for computer vision.

The app demonstrates Tango’s technical superiority by combining depth-scanning, motion-tracking and augmented reality in an interactive showcase. By scanning your surroundings with a Tango-powered device, we create a virtual world that interacts with the real world in real-time. The experience is packed with virtual flora and fauna that respond to you and the physical objects around you, encouraging users to move around and explore the world with Tango.

MediaMonks | Google | Lenovo


Behind the scenes video

Creating the world


This was the first project I did for the Tango device. The creative team wanted that the world was growing around you while you walked through it. This resulted in creating different stages for the alien plants. In the end we came up with an alien world that looked friendly and because of the 3d scanning it gave the user the freedom to move around and explore.

Concept art for the wildlife and plantgrowth

Concept art for the wildlife and plant-growth

Old color palette for the world

Old color palette for the world


Google Into The Wild


Brawlstars 8-bit